Saturday, June 24, 2017


When a human expresses their need for approval or self-gratification of everything they do or say this is the ego making the demands. The control of the ego in them has become the protector of the lower self or low self-esteem that has to be fed by approval and not appreciation.The actions and thoughts of the ego-based personalities have a need to control others in order to feel any worthiness in their existence.Appreciation can be given to them but they don't understand this because this is gratitude and a part of unconditional loving and is not what they need or want for their controlling ego. The ego makes the person feel guilty and they live in their fears of the outside world not approving of their fear based thoughts they are creating.They live by this approval that they are right about everything but still want others outside of themselves to approve their behavior.They don't see their behavior as wrong because it keeps them in control over the thoughts of hate they need to survive. They thrive on hate speech and actions that manage others through mind games.
             Seeking approval for rewards and awards for work done as they climb the ladder of successes.  Self-recognition and pride that eats away their own mortal soul as they step on others through competition and back stabbing with their gossip tongue. Yes, they are seekers of self-validation and this type of approval of others hurts others because they are hurting themselves.Do they think they a bad by doing this to others?The word bad means love to them as they thought about their mothers saying it to them and it got her attention and it gets attention from others when they do bad things.So their agenda and motivation are making others depend on them to do things for them and become co-dependent on them. The guilt and shame live in them from all their past deeds of lying and cheating and this validates their thoughts of resentments and revenge they keep on others that they have done things to and just to validates to them they are better than anyone else. The right and the wrong have been twisted in their favor and others are just not equal or stupid to them as they think its all a joke.
     Seeing the world through dark glasses of deception and evil intent may be a far cry from simple validation of the self.The dysfunction is a habit that is not easily broken by just telling them they need to change or grow up.They are addicted to this lifestyle of getting their way and expect everyone to obey them or else.When they feel attack by others that try to help them they run and hide like a bad child hiding in a corner and the shame regenerates their ego.They are not ashamed of their words or actions there is no remorse or forgiveness for anything they have done because it is their alter ego.The dualities of the ego and the self-identity are at battle and disagreements are settled by the alter ego. They may also say "the devil made me do it" or "you made me do it" They will shift all outward. Living from the outside and not from the inside causes confusion and deceptions of the identity The need to ask for help for conformation is very different from validation.We all need someone to listen to our thoughts when we trying to make choices.The need for validation is not about making choices it is about "do it for me"  I need you to do it.This is the trap of co-dependency and doesn't help the person or the person helping them.Some people live their whole lives depending on others to think for them.
  When an attachment or bond is made to a loved one such a birth mother or father and they die the co-decency remains years after the death this is not grieving it is allowing the person that dies live through you.The two identities have merged into one like a marriage and the bond is hard to break.The two identities struggle with the past memories and try to stay in the past where the loved one was alive.They may have moments of clear thinking of the present moment but it doesn't last because of the security in their past.They like having a duel identity and when someone noticed they are not present they make excuses about their behaviors.There may be some chemical in the body that is causing some of the distortions but mostly it is a way for them to obtain what they call sanity.


Thursday, June 22, 2017


Alignment of the "gateway of the sun" a statue in Peru was laying horizontally and was set erectly when the explorers found it.This gateway to the sun displays many hidden secrets that have not been told until now. The reason it was laying flat on the Earth was its position to face our sun to tell us this was an alignment of the two suns. The  Earth's sun has a square on it and the "gateway of the sun" on Earth in Peru and the two gateways are coming into alignment. The Earth's "gateway on the sun" and "the square" on the sun when aligned will create the golden gateway for the travelers of the planet Earth to enter the dimensional portal to the matrix. This alignment has already been observed by NASA and the satellite images have been seen.Other activities of the sun have also been reported about our sun.The loss of an area of the suns' surface has disappeared and the report of this energy is more than a solar flare. It has been reported this wave of energy is heading for Earth.

When we think of the signs of the heavens and the statues on Earth being connected for purposes we don't understand we tend to dismiss the importance.The alignments of all things are done for reasons to point the way home.Are we connected to the cosmos? The sun is a living conscious being and is the life giver of all life.On the gateway to the sun in Peru, the small cravings show of a creature holding two snakes in each hand they are staffs as many thought.The snakes represent rockets going upward into space.The head of the creature carved is square and represent the square on the sun in our solar system. Is this a sign or a warning of an alignment to come for a reason?  

The cultures that came before us send us signs about the heavens and our connection with the gods of the heaven.Much of what we have heard was misunderstood but it clear we do have a connection to all of the universe.The pyramids are all over our planet and all of them tell us about the heavens and are pointing to the sun.At Stonehenge, we observe the summer solace every year to watch the sun come into an alignment and appear to align on a stone that is waiting for its touch.Are we seeing something that is conscious? 

Can humans travel on the energy between to points of energy on a beam of light?As  I am writing Steven Hawking's is posting his thoughts on light energy.Everything seems to be very synchronicity in our world these final days.The possibilities have become realities as the merging of all aligns. 

How would humans travel on a "light beam" the only way would be to become the light beam right.The transition to the light body would be the answer.Is this where we are our travels to the stars begins?We are getting ready for many waves of electromagnetic energy from the sun and every wave has changed our DNA.Does the change in the human body structures as the DNA is affected?
Yes, changed in the physical is the crystallization of the whole structure.Will there some kind of a tractor beam emitted from the sun to the gateway on Earth. And will this be the light beam for all of us to travel onward?


Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Fingers are digits and digital is the energy wave of the now. God's has His hand in everything that is being created through energetic pulsation of light waves from the sun.The first word was let there be light and the light was God it was the sun's light that was created first and was God.The Earth was in darkness without the creation of the sun.The morning star the sun was God's home.And His face shines like fire and golden brass.It was the life giver for all that walked on the Earth.No one could look face to face with God.During an eclipse,
the same warning is giving not to look directly at the sun.Why did cultures in the past worship the light of the sun? Did they know more than western religions had taught for many centuries? The sun is and was the source of all living creatures on Earth and still is.Without the sun the Earth would die and humans would not be connected to the source of life and die also.Our whole body, mind, and life depend on the sun.When we are not connected to a source of light energy we are not transforming into our light bodies.The soul purpose is to allow God's glory or light energy to shine through us and to express the oneness of our connection to all life.We have heard the words many times "that living is walking in the spirit" What is the spirit? Spirit is light energy emitted from the source of life and we allow it to be connected inside our core.When we think of how much we have in common with the sun we can gain some wisdom that has been hidden from us in schools and churches.We don't hear about our powers within us we have heard we are just unworthy humans and can do nothing without God.Is this true or false? Did God create robots without free will?No, God created humans to take care of the Earth, the animals and all living things in the garden called Earth.So, therefore, He gave humans responsibly and accountability for the things He created.That requires free will choices on how to take care of ourselves and all thing He created. Each was given a calling or purpose and a gift to carry out this job.All living creations worked in harmony to keep God's creations in order.The ego has driven men to think they needed to protect humans from themselves and not give them any respect or honor of the free will that God gave them.The story of the snake is an example of stealing the free will from the first humans.The choice was to eat or not eat the forbidden fruit. What does the fruit have to do with the story? Be fruitful and multiply doesn't mean have children.It means to use the fruits of the spirit to replenish and renew the Earth.keeping the whole Earth as the garden was not understood in the scripts.Did you know what the snake represented?Did you know the snakes could fly and have wings? You can see now there is more to the story.
   Every story is the dreamer of the dreamer and the mindset of the interpreter is the important factor.The images and people and places are all strung together by words to make a story.So the complete idea or inner emotions of the time when the story is told is not on the surface.Diving deeper and uncovering the expressions of the beliefs of the person writing the story is not often done.When we hear a story from the past we are not aware of the cultural significance and the timing of the unfolding of the facts get twisted to fit the telling of the story.So to say that certain manuscripts were inspired by the  Holy Spirit this also means that can only be interpreted by the same Spirit.Humans have a way of added or taking away things from all past Historical events to suit their own agendas and conclusions for purposes that are not always spiritual inspired.Therefore the beliefs of many humans have been confused in their belief's systems and there is need to reexamine the text in their own understanding and wisdom they have obtained in their spiritual life. The opinions are their beliefs and the beliefs become the opinions they have logical reasons for themselves.The intelligent creative  God part that dwells within all aspect of the fully awakening light body that is the energetic connection to source is the transformation of the Godhead that serves as the master and the teacher.The integration and transmuting bring the transmission of all thought on the higher dimensions to the soul and the light body rises in vibrations and frequencies. The deeper the dreamer of the living dream and the conscious awareness that the dreamer is observing the dream is the wisdom that the masters obtain and sit in the stillness of the dream.
  To say that the Sun or Son is the consciousness of a living being is not to say it was a human being but the representation of the form was seen on the mount of transfiguration. Jesus said,"If you have seen the Son you have seen the Father."For we are one in the same.How can this be unless the beginning was the Sun or Son which was the light? The remarks of Jesus saying," I was with the Father before the beginning of time"  Before Abraham  I was!
  A story that is repeated over and over from life to death to life. Is the SUN OR SON living or dying?As we search the answers of the square hole on the sun are we seeing the doorway or the gateway home?Do we belong to the Sun or Son? Does the sun live in each of us? Are humans the light of this world?From light, we came to light we go.Not just dust of the Earth But the STARDUST of the great star The SUN.Are we star seeds and light workers like many have claimed?Renewing our minds and digging deeper into meanings we were told from others long ago.We will rise up like the morning star and go forth to conquer the universe with our beliefs in who we are.


Monday, June 19, 2017


The world is divided and separate because of the dogmas and doctrines of men.The chaos within the living body of believers of the gift of free will to choose has not been given equally.Therefore the choices are not clearly stated to the children of the living God Creator.The spiritual component of the Trinity is not taught properly and the interpretation of the spiritual life in  Christ has not been used to make choices.The building called the church is an organization and membership and it is the main priority, not the people who attended the services. Much of the monies collected were for the upkeep of the buildings and not spend for charity work in the communities.The people didn't go outside of the walls of their churches to invite others to come in or go into the neighborhoods to give the messages they received in the sermons.The prophecy has come true that states" they are lukewarm " and have no life in them.

Once there was  ONE GOD for all and then there were many gods.The cultures outside of the churches across the globe had their own way of worshipping the gods of their choice.Missionaries were sent out and still are going to other lands to tell the gospel of Jesus the Christ and this was not the commission that Jesus talked about.The great commission was to make disciples not to save or persuade people to be water baptized. Even in the churches, the commission is not understood. The
confusions and misunderstandings are still in the churches.According to the latest surveys, many people don't know what is means to be born again of the Holy Spirit. In many churches, the Holy Spirit is not even spoken about.This is the reason the prophecy is coming true because the churches use the text from the old testament. And some use the new Testament from the Bible. Some just use the words of Jesus the Christ. When the whole Bible is not used and everything is taken out of context this leads the people to pick what they want out of the context. I hear this on the radio when people were asked questions about their beliefs in God.

Worshiping is personal between God and each believer.When we are directed to pray together or worship together it is not in one brief of one God.Paul found this true when he started the first churches.There was not an agreement about the gifts of the Holy Spirit at that time and this still remains in our churches, spiritual. Many children of God have chosen to be spiritual instead of religious on our planet. This is shown in the surveys and also on social media.In their hearts, they know God on a personal level and don't think church service one day a week on Holidays is enough to love God.Their lives are spiritual all the time they write and post and sing Gods words to everybody every day.They talk about spiritual things to people all over the world to people they have never met in person.They have groups that encourage their brothers and sisters.On Facebook, we request prayers for our loved one who are sick or need support.There are no references to a church or organization to join or pay money to.When we post we are talking about the spirit of God's love. I saw a video on facebook about a one world religion and  I though we are already a one world spiritual community and don't need a one world religious connection. So the world needs to look around and see that the children don't need their approval to have their own beliefs in God. We can do this on our own in an own way within the world.In fact, we have done it without the help of a leader or pastor or a person telling us how to praise and love God.

Sunday, June 18, 2017


We are just being human when we conform to the world.But are we more than human?Are having a spiritual experience of our divinity? We all have been told we can be anything we want to be.This is a true statement and it is important to know we have free will choices to choose our careers, and who we will be in the worldly things.Many humans have interacted with a worldly system and have forgotten their spiritual inner world.The free will choice of surrendering the life we have chosen when we were in the world is the hardest decision we will have to make. Many humans remain on the fence trying to live in the world and want to spiritual and they believe they can live in both worlds.The wanna be whatever they see other people being and this causes conflicts within their own purpose of serving their own soul.The term "double minded"   means that a mindset or the intention is confused and there is no directness in their lives. They are in a constant state of not knowing who they are.They just wanna be whatever works at the moment as their thoughts are shifting and pretending in each experience.They are always seeking control over others because they lack control over their own emotions.Everything is outward reaching for the getting more because they have nothing inside of them.When they are given a choice they choose the world instead of the spiritual life.This is not new in fact the world has taken over many lives on our planet.The ego-based society has ruin our planet and humanity has suffered because of the idols that have been worshiped as the only power humans seek. Have they been told there is a power within each soul?As humans continue to serve the masters of the powers of the world they will begin thinking and feel the pressures of the world and start seeking the inner spiritual life.This is the process we are currently entering as we recognized the slavery and bondage of the world. Do we want to be free?  The belief in freedom to be isn't the free will it is the seeking of the will of the whole of the source of all creation.Humans never lose free will they just allow the will of God to help them.So the two wills are married to create the strengths that the human needs to complete the connection to the God's source.The surrendering occurs when we are facing a storm in our lives and slowly we can surrender own will to God's will over time.

When we remain in the wanna-be state of thinking we have attached to everything outside of ourselves.We have many labels and tags placed on us that are not really what or who we are inside.We take titles to prove to others of the world that we are better than others.The world makes us seek pride and compete against others. We steal from the soul's of our brothers and sisters.When we hurt others by controlling by over thinking them and telling them we know better than they do.

The ego has driven the wanna be's
and they have lost their soul's purpose.The programs of the world started very early in our parent's words and schools. They thought by telling us we could be what we wanted to be was the right thing to say.We do know we can be what we want to be but there was one choice not given.The choice was to be 'to be a child of the living God" and to be a spiritual creature born again in the likeness and image of God.We were not told we had the power of healing and to create our own lives from within us.We were told we had to go to work and go to college and serve our country and earn money and take care of ourselves.All the things were good advice and many humans have done these things and forgot their soul.When all was done to get up the ladder of the world's successes where was the next step?When will the time come to know who you are in your purpose?You have nothing but your diplomas and letters behind your name and metals from your service and scrapbooks of memories of what you did.But you have not loved or given love to those around you.You sit alone in your pride and remain in your past with nowhere to go and nothing to do because you have no future.You are not living you have died in your past.You repeat your past over and over and prepare to die.Humans have a need deep in their soul to create and have purposes to live each moment of each day.The brain needs to keep learning new things and doing new things because it will die.the body needs to be refresh also by doing new things.Jesus said," I have come so you may live life more abundantly" which means to live life not to die in your past memories.

So who are you or what are you? The who is "soul" The what  "life" in the spirit.Where are you?  'inside".Why are you " to live and create" When " now" How "with the help of source' 

Saturday, June 17, 2017


What is the story of the Earth father vs the heavenly Father?A poem from the heart.

The assignment and alignment of the head
was a placement of the soul
this is the story to unfold

Did the father's know what they were to provide
the love for their children and their bride?

With love and care, not money or fame
nor work for their own ego gain.

Where did all the father's go 
when they left those who needed them so?

The head was lost in many families in our land
and the women took the stand.

There were some that stay in their place 
and loved the position that was given through grace.

The children of the fatherless homes
were the seekers and sent on their own

There was an emptiness to be filled by those
without a head of fatherless home only the heart knows. 

A heavenly father who sits in the clouds on a throne 
heard the weeping of the child without a proper home.

He saw them searching for a father replacement on the Earth
to find a man who showed some affections but, not because of a birth.

The connections they wanted to make was that love of a father to a child and ended up without a break
many of these had to escape the falseness for their lives sake.   

What have I done wrong the inner child cried as the abuses began?
I thought for a while  I had found my lost fathers love.
I know now  I should have sought of my Father above.

The Earth fathers were given a bad rap
and the inner child spends years with this crap.

Is this an awareness of a celebration?
as the heart opens to all that you read
in the calculations? 

We need to seek our heavenly Father's inspirations 
to clear the problems left over from the generations.

Did we do our forgiveness work for those that abandon us
or did we keep our silents and fuss?

Repression causes depression and victims of the "why me"
are shouting out right now.
I know your heart hurts and your thoughts are same as mine.
How can  I forgive the father that is still in heart and gave me life? I know my inner child still weeps about that night he said he was leaving our home.Then the day came at 21 years of my age  A report he had died and never was returning home. I cried for me and him when nobody in the family did.There was a 200.00 dollar check given in his account given to each child of his.I just wanted one last hug and a kiss.So every Fathers day  I think about the childhood memories of him.He was my Earthy father who I try many try to replace.I think about the days after when he didn't return home. I walked in the yard in the back yard and ask my Father in heaven to be my dad. I still searched and found one man who  I thought was just the one who would love me like a father. It served a purpose but didn't last because  I grew up too fast.He is a father type and left me for others that needed a father.So my heart was broken but not my spirit.I found more trust in my heavenly Father. Please don't feel sorry for me  I have learned my lessons on what and who to seek.



Thursday, June 15, 2017


Every choice humans make depends on their own free will and the reasoning's they use to cause a change because they create an effect. When human choices only depend on their own free will and they have not considered the higher sources will or God's will in their intentions they are not connected directly to the good of all or the collective will.Many believe they are doing the will of the higher self and they are listening to others humans will for their lives.When we go outward and don't create from our own free will we are in danger of being control by the will of others. What does the law of cause and effect have to do with human free will? The predictions of others on humans causes a false hope and removes their free will to control their own path.When a human uses their own free will to create their own reality this causes self-esteem and worthiness by the trial and error of their own choices.This is the missing link to gaining the freedom to choose God's will for their lives.When the natural flow of their lives to operate in their on free will they are free from the bondage of others outside of themselves and they can seek their higher self and the beliefs in God's will. The two wills are the same when they seek inwardly.

The heart and the brain are connected to the law of cause and effect are connected in every choice made by humans.When a desire, need or want is in the heart the emotions can have a cause and effect that may change the effect of the situations.Reacting in hate instead of responding in unconditional love is an effect of human emotions and thoughts.When a human turns all to forgiveness in every situation instead of revenge the energy can be affected positively or negatively.Choosing is a free will choice.This is the law of cause and effect. Some called it by the Hindu word The Karma but it is a natural law. The words do make a difference as we understand both laws. We do not carry need to think of the karmic laws we need to understand cause and effect.Reality and Spirituality have been merging and we are becoming conscious aware beings. By the awareness of beliefs of other religions on this planet, we are changing our perception of how much control we have to change our own lives without the help of others that claim they can fix us. We can use our own reasoning and free will and connect with our own gifts and talents and be our own psychics. We are not gods we are a creature with the divinity within each of our souls.The problem was we didn't have anyone telling us the truth of our free will to choose our own lives and create our future.We were told that the future was set in stone or predestine and we had to live with what some other human who told us what they thought would happen to us.Have you heard of self-fulfilling prophecies? What happens when you ask someone what your future will be? What are the causes and effects?Usually, it is emotional trauma because it is not the belief of the person asking the questions and could cause damages to their self-esteem and the effect may last for years until they become aware of the causes done by taking advice about their future and not creating their own. We have all thought others knew better than us because we were told we were not gifted and couldn't make choices for ourselves.This paper tells you that you are the one that creates your life by cause and effect.Now that you see the cause and effect of the influences of others are you going to continue to ask others about your future or are you going to start today to live in the present moment and use your free will to create your story?


Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Can we loose our soul's identity and purpose?The soul and the spirit may be two interchangeable words for many people.This may be the confusion that was the start of the identity problems.In the beginning was the word and the word was expressed. Who was the word not what was the word?The word was with God so God was not the Word and creation came from the word.So the words created all things with the source God.The word was the expression of the soul was the living representation of the Trinity. So this would be the Elohim or the Christ that was with God in the beginning. The identity of the Son and the Father God and the Holy Spirit. So the living soul is the part of the Trinity and the Godhead is the source and the Holy Spirit is the spiritual part. "We shall make the man is our image"What is our image mean? In the image and likeness of the living soul called Adam who was the Christ or Christos of the light in the garden called Earth.The soul of the Christ was in Adam.The DNA was the soul of a living man and was made of the elements of Earth. The identity the "atoms" or Adam of the word of the Christ consciousness the communication or expression of the God and the Holy Spirit. For no human can join with the Father and the Holy Spirit without the living soul the Christ.Jesus said "humans can only come through me to come to the Father" 'For  I am the Son of my Father and if you see me you see the expression of the Father" My identity was living soul and the word is my name.The Christ was the communicator and God was the manifestation of the expression of the word.All souls have a Christ light source in them the same DNA and are connected by the word writing in the code in all languages "we are the temple of the living soul" within each is the one soul connection.

When a human rejects the word of the Christ there is a danger of losing the soul's identity.The Christ said," I am the way, the truth and the life" which means the way to "I am God or source of life" is the way to obtain wholeness" the truth means the reality of the way to join the Trinity" and the life which means not death but eternity forever in the present of God. He said, "the Father and I are one." 

How can a soul be lost?When a human chooses to use their free will to do as they please to commit acts against their brothers and sisters and breaks the golden rule the golden thread is broken also.For it is written, " if you love not your brothers and sister you don't love God." Who are your brother and sisters? All living representatives of the soul of the word.For the light of Christ resides in the soul of the other one connected.Forgiveness is given for all transgressions but the one transgression of not loving others still remains. When a soul chooses to judge their brothers and sisters they are held in this judgment and will go to the white throne of judgment. For those that have accepted the golden rule, there is not judgment but rewards.To love thyself as you would love others as you love yourself without judgment removes all guilt and blame and creates an unconditional love of the Creator God to fill the soul with the power of the Holy Spirit.


Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Many years ago a radio show called"The Shadow knows" was a source of entertainment on Saturday night for the whole family. The show started with creepy organ music as a creaking door opens a deep scary voice echoing saying,'The Shadow knows"then a laugh that sounded evil and breathtaking was heard by the listeners.The stories made the families huddled together in fear as they listened to the eerie music and voices.The stories were about the fears of shadows and darkness and left the audience hanging on for the ending of every tale Lalmont Cranston told with mystery and danger lurking behind every word and sounds that they heard on the radio. 

The radio was used then and still is used to created imagination in the listening audience. Imagination may be considered our shadow side because it is the unknown inescapable part of the human brain still waiting to be explored.We all have thoughts of danger and fear and the unknown. We do want to escape the everyday stresses of reality that causes us to perform in a certain way not natural to our soul purpose. We all wear a mask and play a role and walk in the shadows of our light inside.What others see is our shadow and a light shining through us is rarely observed unless we become the true-self of the light.We often hide in our own shadow for safety or security because we are not willing or ready to expose the light in us. What others think we are is not who we are inside.When we look in the mirror we don't see our soul we see a reflection of what other see in us.We dress for others and wear make-up for others and want others to tell us how we look to them.Are living in our own shadow of doubts and fears?When we stop looking in mirrors and doing things all theses things for the approval of others we go inward to our real beauty of our soul we change our perceptions.The inner light removes the shadows of fear and doubts of who we are in Christ.

Is the physical world a shadow an illusion of the light?Is there a veil of deceit covering our outside world? There was a song called "Standing in the shadows of love" and the words said,"waiting for the heartaches to come" can we be standing in the shadows of God's love?By thinking and reading many verses in the Bible the shadow concept is woven through the words like a key to the light and the darkness.We all struggle with the duties of light and dark and right and wrong. Are there two but one light?One soul one God or source of light? We are connected and not divide by the words.We are love and light both equally. The shadows are our fallen state of awareness we allowed to keep us hidden from the world. Yes, we are all hiding our light inside until we drop our shadow mask we have been told we have to wear to conform to the world.The awakening of out own light inside is a gift of our free will to choose to live in a shadowed reality of the fakeness or the real true-self of our light.All of the outsides of us is a projection of each reflection of the shadows others have created. What are you projecting shadows or lights? Does your life reflect your inner light that creates life?

Many have said, the ego is the shadow side of each of us. The ego is our protector and it creates the shadows of this world but not the inner shadows.The inner soul is not overshadowed by the ego unless a person has allowed the world into their true reality of who they are.This is the reason we need free will to keep operating in each human on our planet.The ego will create doubts and fears to teach us to fear ourselves when we are immature so we can grow spiritual strong inside.When we become aware that we don't need to fear our own selves anymore we have overcome the pride and judgments of the ego.We start trusting in ourselves and our intuition and start growing spiritually. We don't judge the shadows of the world because we know they are not part of the light in us.  

Walking in the light instead of walking in the shadows is a born again experience.  A renewal of the mind means the observer is the dreamer of the dream-illusions of the shadows of evil.It is evil in the world and this is why we see shadows and images with our human eyes. "Overcome evil with good"is short verse in the Bible. "Fear not" is written 360 times. When we fear the shadows or demon images of evil intent we are allowing the shadows to become our reality.We are good, not evil, we are light, not dark! This is not only a perception is it the way, the truth and the light Jesus spoke about.

The lost boy story called "Peter Pan" was all about the loss of his shadow.He was so upset that he had to have it but yet he could fly and remain young without it.Did the writer of that story know something about the shadow? Tinker Bell was a little light that followed Peter in the story to protect him.Stories, music, and imaginations have deep conscious meanings to our collective awareness.The shadows of our childhood memories still dance in our thoughts as we create new memories in the present moments.Finding our enlightenment through the shadows of darkness,
fears, and doubts that surround us is the quest of all that are of the light!

Monday, June 12, 2017


The worlds of the consciousness are intertwined in an imaginary golden thread of our talents and gifts.We follow the threads home by allowing and accepting who we are.We are the observer and the dreamer of our own journey.We started at home base and ran the bases after we hit the ball out of the park.We were not satisfied the first time we covered the bases and needed to keep circling the bases and wanted to hit home plate again and again. Sometimes we were tagged on first base and sometimes on third base on our journey back to home plate.But we have all covered the bases at one time in a career we choose or a class we took for improvement. We used our relationship to rate our successes or failures also. When we couldn't get passed first base we quit the game.We just wanted to win at all cost.Are we winner at home plate? We are the winner of the game of life because we know we are starting at our home where we were born.

Is there no place like home?Home is where the heart seems to be the answer we have all heard.Is this the truth?If we really could live where we wanted to live would we call it home?Is home a far away place called heaven?Is heaven a place or a feeling in our emotions or a real place? The songs we sing tell us many things about heaven and the stories from astral travels fill the pages on YouTube.Are there golden streets and images of spiritual beings awaiting us?We all have ideas and imagination of our home beyond this world.So it not unusually to believe in a home that is not of this Earth reality we find ourselves in at the present moment.We ask why Am  I here and what's it all about?We can't seem to find satisfaction or comfort in the third-dimensional world we find ourselves in. Does that mean we don't belong here? If we don't belong here then where do we belong? Humans have a need to belong to something else rather than being physical they choose to be in an imagination states of wonder not belonging.So this paradoxical world remains and keeps us in the dualities instead of making a choice to live in the state of peace and contentment of where we are or continually be wanted something else that makes us uncomfortable and struggling to survive. Can we obtain the state of heaven on Earth? Do we pray this "thy kingdom come on Earth as it is Heaven"? If we pray this and believe this are we already in heaven on Earth?So, why are we struggling to get somewhere that isn't our home? Are we made from the dust of this Earth which contains the elements of the stars? Is the Earth being transformed into to our heavenly home? We know the Earth is changing its vibrations to match human frequencies we are connected to our home Earth.As the Earth is our birth place from her womb she is called Mother Earth. Have we know that she is a Mother nature also called this.Many people think this is a new age concept but in reality, we were formed from the Earth.Humans are great at using terms of their own to make the real seem imaginary or not in the Bible.The day will come when we all will know that the truths of meanings of home and know that we will all rise up together to welcome our transitions of Mother Earth's awaking inside our souls.We seek what we need to know and we seek what we don't need to know. As seekers, our curiosity keeps us alive and growing in the richness of our home Earth.We are home already!


Sunday, June 11, 2017


Every culture has used spiritual communications as a way to connect to God.Prayers for healing or life's problems are using our inner spirit to communicate with God. When we ask others to pray for us when we can't do it for ourselves it is called intercessory prayer.The Holy Spirit of God dwells in each living soul and it is a spirit and has is called a person in the Bible.So if we have a connection to God Creator through our own spirit with the help of the Holy Spirit 'Why" would we seek a dead spirit to help us? The practice of consulting the dead called sometimes called mediumship
or channeling has been with us since the Bible days.The belief that the spirit lives on after physical death of the body seems to be the problem and needs some kind of explanation.What exactly lives on after death? We know about the living soul that resides with each human and know that the brain and the heart are transmitting energy within the living body.When the body stops functioning we know that something leaves the body we have many reports from nurses and doctors at the deathbed. The last thing that happens at the death of a living soul is very important to understand and many humans will not talk about the science of death.The brain waves of the person dying after the breathing stops can determine the consciousness state of the spirit soul connections within the brain.This is the last recognition of life as we know it.In the past, we pronounce death with the stopping of the breathing.Just by putting a mirror close to the dying person to check for breathing was the only way doctors could tell if life was gone.As science and spirituality merge we are gaining more wisdom about the death process.  Many years ago  I read a book called the "Romeo error" and in this book, there were many answers to the biology meanings of death.The heart and the brain shutting down are just the major systems and the consciousness or the personality is the brain and can be the next step for us to understand what is dying or what still lives beyond the body.Are we living spirit or souls outside of our bodies? If we go back to the creation of the human we need to understand the breath of the spirit of God.The forming was of the dirt or dust was made of elements from the Earth.And it is logical that the body would return back to which it came as it is just a covering.Do we know where our soul or spirit came from and where it goes after leaving the body? This seems logical that it would return to the same back to spirit or soul of the Creator soul the spirit of the Creator.Using logically reasoning and not just saying spirits and the soul are part of the whole of the one spirit that is living.We know that science tells us that everything that is matter remains matter.The question is "what is living soul or spirit"? Is there consciousness awareness outside of the body?In many of our studies on out of the body or astral projection, we hear people tell us about a consciousness awareness of seeing their body or being very aware of images of a tunnel.But we must remember they are still connected to their bodies. So they are disconnected from their soul and consciousness of their own personality and memories in their brain.This may be why they tell us about the changes in their beliefs after an experience in the astral realms.They are not dead because they are still connected to the body.So the proof of the afterlife is not found in out of the body stories when the connections are still there.It may be found in the near death or the dying stories when a person's bodily functions have stopped completely for seconds or minutes but if the brain waves are still reporting activity the connection is still there.So as we move into looking at brain waves to secure the answers to the reality of death we will understand more information about the existence of the spirit or soul that remains.

What is the real reason we need to contact the dead? As humans we become very dependent on others for help and answers to our own questions we can answer.This is co-decency and starts very early in our life.We don't mature properly spiritually because there is no training is offered in our schools or churches to break our dependents on others for help.We think the outside world hold all the correct answers and when we think outward we include spirits and angels and the dead.We want messages on how to live from the dead entities called familiar spirit they are not our loved ones but spirits that are Earthbound due to transition problems in their development and are being used as peons to deceive us.We can ask the angels of God to protect us and that is their job.When we ask them for messages we are not understanding their purpose.Throughout History, in the Bible, they appear to bring messages from God.Calling on them is not logical.They are under God's control, not humans control.

Can the dead communicate is the question?By reading all the logical points in this paper you should have arrived at some answers of your own.Believing is the key to everything if we believe we receive and achieve and if someone believes that their loved ones are communicating to them through dreams or visions or another person who am  I to tell them they are wrong. I have my own beliefs and have had some dream communications with my loved ones after bodily death through the years of their passing.I don't seek help outside of my own higher self that is connected with God and this is my belief.The reason for writing about these subjects helps me gain clarity of my own thoughts and you read these papers for your own insights into your development. We are all works in progress.

Saturday, June 10, 2017


We have all heard the quotes "all that glitters isn't gold"
let us be bold
to explore what we have been told

We use the words and turn them around
to find the a secret to be found
and not just listen to just the sound

On the surface we glide and slide
we waste our time by and by
we just want to fly

The waiting is over on the timeline
golden threads are woven all will be fine
it will be sublime

For golden is the age were are in
it is not a new age stage we think we need to win
the sage we scattered is blowing in the wind

Have we followed the journey of the fool's gold
instead of our own inner spiritual guidance to unfold
have we followed what others have told?

The golden thread of life is woven deep
it is the strength of many who were asleep
now awakening and willing to leap

The threads of gold connect inner hearts and minds and souls
the creations of  the one  intentions is being foretold
For all  hearts of gold are not cold

The golden rule says we are to love ourselves as we love others
we share the golden thread that links us to our sisters and brothers
healing and comfort blankets us with it covers

Wondering about the questions of doubts and worry that arise
the game of life is being play right before our eyes
the illusions are not reality we soon surmise.

Are we hanging on the last threads of yesterdays hope
wishing we get a sign or message to keep us afloat
we know we have a free will choice don't be a dope

Clearing the clutter of lies that were told
Can make us courageous and bold
by seeking the thread of gold

Thursday, June 8, 2017


The narrow views of the world vs. the spiritual perceptions of physical will reach a tipping point as an awakening in the consciousness occurs in the collective mindset. This is a processes process of traditional religious dogmas of interpretations of a few words that are stuck in their memories of the past. When we see the beginning and not the end we limit our growth spiritually and maturity to gain wisdom of the total outcome of our situation.The creation stories are the same in all cultures.Yes, there were two entities created in the physical form there is no denial of this fact. From one soul contain in a male physical form the DNA was taken to form another physical form but the same DNA remain in the second form.The two souls became one soul.Now, you would think logically that a spiritual person would understand this concept of the soul or spirit and not look at the gender identification as a  way to cause division and separation based on appearances. Appearances of the physical are deceiving and the inner workings are the domains of the kingdom to come. Creating struggles and separations are destructive and our purpose is to build not to destroy. The body of believers is the church and the human body is the temple.The DNA is very clear on this fact.What a person does with their temple is up to them as this is the freedom of the will of the consciousness. Judgments of others who use their free will to do as they believe by those who believe differently have brought judgment on them.It is interesting to hear their pride they have given themselves for their righteousness to be saved by grace and not by works.But, they are missing the point of the whole of the body of believers.The are looking for the problems instead of the situations and this has caused a falling away from the intentions of the good news.The victims are the ones that see the problems and tell others to change their ways.The feel victimized because they can't feel safe even going to the bathroom or talk about gender as a physical representation and not a spiritual problem that they have inside of themselves.

Breaking the gender barriers of the pink and the blue with no gray areas between is all about the roles we choose to play in the game of life. There were rules to the genders and this has been broken many times in every culture. There was an outcry when this happened. Clothing was a deal breaker for those who choose to wear pants.Hairstyles even took a hit from those that conformed to strict physical appearances.The pointing of fingers and bullying was their way of dealing with the differences.  Conforming isn't transforming and change is a reality in everything. When women moved into the workforce and got the right to vote there were scoffers.This was a big gender issue.When men stay home to care for the children this cause another alarm in the church buildings. Now that the same genders want to get married and adopt children this causes an uproar of those that are judging by their standards and using their wisdom to love those who care enough to want a child that needs a home.What is the real reason these conforming non-caring people who say they love God are really saying? They are saying that only they can do what is right and all the others are wrong. This self-pride and righteousness? Jesus said,'" if you don't love your brothers and sisters you don't love me" and you don't love the Father.

We are lost in a sea of division and separation and the boat is sinking fast.The heart knows the way home because the soul has the desires, not the physical body we carry.What we look like is just a reflection of the inner workings of the soul.Are we afraid of what we see?Are we looking deep into the souls of others we meet?What do we see in ourselves?Are we afraid of our own true self? This is the problem and the only solution is to love ourselves as God Creator loves us.This, not a self-help thing at all it is the golden rule.We must experience everything to know how to give to others the same. How can we give what we do not have within us?I  hear those that talk about others and know that it is the hate of their own self that drives their judgments.If you think for one minute you are getting away with bullying others think again you are only hurting yourself.  I am not talking about karma  I am talking about the final white throne room of judgment. You will stand alone and review your life and hear your words you said about others.


Tuesday, June 6, 2017


The words prediction and prophecy go together like a horse and carriage you can't have one without the other. The words are interchangeable depending on the beliefs of the person using the words. The meanings are important and should be used in the correct context at all times to keep clarity in reading for advice a reader offers about predestination of a future event on a person's timeline.The question of "when" something might happen or the giving the date or timing of a future event is the part of that requires caution and discernment of the big picture that is being given in the intuition of the reader. The reader should not go on feelings alone and should use their left brain logic to be reasonable in their interpretation. The question about predestination needs to be answered if the timing is involved with the question of when something is going to occur. The human being has a free will to choose and create their own future.When a person seeks the unknowns of the timing of an event in the future they are giving up their free will and the predestined time manifests and the person loses their confidence in their own abilities to co-create with the divine timing. The problems occur every time we shift from free will co-creators to the allowance of outside interventions of others who are predestination advisors.

We need to know that the unknowing of all situations and the outcomes are not "set in stone" and there are many outcomes to every situation. When we ask for closure for something or want something to be as we want or need it to be we are resisting the allowance of the divine timing to create the unknown.We are trying to control with our ego and not our spirit.Seeking advice can be good or bad for our free will. We need a sounding board or a person to listen to us not a reader that takes over our free will with a prediction. We can make out own focus in the present time and set our mind on our intentions of our own future events and observe the outcome.  

When you ask when do you really want to know or do you prepare for the unexpected events to unfold and come to you? Are we all visionaries of our own future?Each reality of each soul seeks answers to their own questions within their own thought, dreams, and visions.We all ask the same questions and answers are important and need to be taken to a higher power source higher than human understanding as we evolve within we can connect with our own higher self.This is a spiritual perception and can be obtained by each soul.  

Even prophets knew the secrets of their prophetic messages would take divine timing for the events of the future to unfold. We all get signs of the seasons of God and know that our time is not divine timing.As humans wonder and think about the possibilities of knowing the connection to the divine timing of a certain prediction given to them in their higher self-knowing inside of them they will stop taking advice from those that believe in predestination.    

Who made the prophetic messages come true? The agreement of the two wills creates the manifestation of the messages. The when occurs as the allowance of trust and faith in the message is the intention of the divine timing.Humans surrender their egos and God will become the master of their destiny.  As we stop our belief in predestination of events and occurrence and allow the destiny of the soul. We are talking about the destination of the soul's home when we observe destiny and not what others predestination for us. We need to understand self-fulfilling prophecy and the cause and effect of others telling us when they think we should expect something to happen to us. We need to agree or disagree with what they are predicting for us.Should we give our free will away to others?Only you can think for yourself and find the answers to my questions this paper presents to you. I have found my answers through a process as you also will find yours.

May the grace of God be with each of you.

Monday, June 5, 2017


With all births physical or spiritual there are processes of transformation from the womb to the death of physical and spiritual. A cycle of the life of each living creature is repeated for purpose of growth and maturity on physical and spiritual.Each cell in our body physical and spiritual light body contain within and surrounding is the light energy of our being.The DNA codes are in a continuous flow of change as maturity levels of all growth processes occur in the whole.Was there a first birth? The first birth of matter was in creation in the beginning and from this, we became all of this wholeness. The process was in the womb of eternity prepare in the cosmos of the consciousness of creation itself.We were always connected to the birthing of the consciousness of creation.To say we were just born in this time or place for a propose of this lifetime doesn't seem logical.We are souls that travel in time and space and divinely appointed to created. The cycles of every living entity and living will go through the process of coming in and going out of the states of matter solid, liquid and gas as each is in the design of the creative process. Solid for the touching of the third dimensional the human was placed into experience limitation of the physical and the deception and consciousness at this level are materialists and the unawareness of maturity can cause needs and wants from outside of the soul. The next level liquid is a flow of within soul's desires of the heart as the blood pumps and all emotional chemicals to the brain for pure intentions the brain sets all in motion to manifest. The third state is gas and this represents the leaving of all physical attachments and spirit moves into the omnipresent. This can occur at the death of the physical body or in the born again experience.The "breath of life was breath into the nostrils of  the human and the human became a living soul"  When did this happen? In the beginning, the soul was born. There is one soul and it became fruitful and multiply in the spirit of the breath of God.One soul with many copies but unique in each design.When we say we are one and connected to all life we are saying we are one living soul of the spirit of the first breath. The first consciousness awareness of who we are. We were formed of the dust of the Earth and dust was made of star dust.We have a life of the cosmos in us.We are travelers and we are here temporary to gain wisdom through the expression of the soul with us.Our home is eternity because we are eternity within.The spiritual life is the soul's sojourn that we are seeking in our heart's desire.We seek what we are once we discover our truth of our own soul's purpose.The human feels unworthy and struggles with the limitations of the physical body and reaches outward instead of inward.As we seek our heart's desires to grow spiritually we transcend our limitations of the physical body.The process is a cycle of birthing.From one state of being in each consciousness state to another.We keep renewing our mindset by wisdom from God in our spirit.We become aware of the voice of true-self inside us.The free will and the will of the Creator God come into agreement and the marriage of oneness of the new birth occurs.


Friday, June 2, 2017


We ask for all kinds of information from those we think have our answers. When our answers to our most heartfelt questions are within our own inner knowing. When we hear the advice are we really hearing the advice or just wanting someone to listen to us talk or do we want to hear ourselves talk? I have been on the airwaves for forty years in radio and in the media.I have listened to my own prerecorded show many times for corrections in my intuitive abilities and to hear my words that  I say to others.We all need to listen to ourselves communicated for charity and performance before a group or public speaking events.I have many jobs before any show  I do and all the jobs are all about me getting ready emotionally and get my mindset on what  I am going to say to my callers the rest is up to God for the flow of the show. I trust God to lead and guide me through everything  I do personally and on my radio show. I know it is a hard job for those who are just starting out doing cold readings in person as well as on the airwaves.   I have taught many gifted people in my classes and on the radio.As  I listen to people talk every day  I use discernment in their words for the truth hidden in the tone, infections, and meanings behind each pause or reaping phrase. Some people do lack confidence and keep repeating certain words that help them to get their thoughts together when they are giving advice. Some say things like the words "okay" or "do you hear what  I am saying" or "does that make sense" these phrases are showing a lack of self-confidence and trust in what they are saying. So maybe they are not sure they are right on what they are saying or is it fear of their own powers? Either way, it is easy to detect a problem in the readings they are giving. I usually just cut them off with the first hint of this annoying repetitive sing-song way of getting their point across. It is like they are trying their best to make me do something with my life without offering me any free will or think on my own.  I know other people feel the same but it still continues in our society.No wonder our attentions spans are dropping we don't want to keep hearing repetitive stories from their past. We want fresh new ideas that inspire us to think and grow spiritually. This is a heads up for all those that keep trying to tell us we need to be fixed when we are all whole in the first place and we have to make our own choices.The same old song and dance with politicians and news reports that are on the airwaves spewing fake information we have had it and are gonna take all that are playing with our minds out to lunch permanently.

Everyone has an agenda and a motive behind everything they do so stop pretending the callers don't see through your money scams and your unhealthy lifestyles when you talk to them get real!So they say they love angels or some spiritual guide and you buy it hook line and sinker. Where are these people taking you? And what happens to the lies they told you?You went off the path and took it and you still call them back.Wake up, people! Am  I too hard on you bet  I am there are standards aren't there?  I walk the line and when  I do  I get convicted by the Holy Spirit do you?We better start getting serious or the train is gonna leave us at the stations with no ticket for another one.We are all in this together, aren't we? When one fake reader does a bad job who suffers? We all do because we are all one.

Thursday, June 1, 2017


Reading between the lines of the blog, the tweets, and the messages we receive every day.Is there something we might be missing deep within these types of communications? On the surface, it is just a quick glance of what we read the words that may or may not be spelled correctly but we somehow make sense of the context. The brain does the rest of the discerning and we react or respond depending on our understanding of what was sent.This process takes seconds depending on the quickness and brain activity of reading these tweets and messages from our friends and families.We sometimes don't tweet back or even bother reading them.Blogging is more expressive practice and takes more brain activity because of a meaning and a purpose.All three have a purpose the "art of communication" and serve to give and take information from one human to another human.We can't really put a standard of quality in the art of "tweeting" or messages or blogs they just are ways humans communicate with each other in this age of "technical era" we are presently in.

Reading notes that we passed in school was much like the tweets we get today. A meetup or a quick " I love you" or "do you love me?" check the box below.We had to somehow get the paper not back to the person that send it to us without allowing the teacher to see it.I remember the passing of the notes in class so well and the getting caught was always an embarrassment.So tweeting must be much better for the students in school now.In the news, every day the funny tweets are making headlines because they don't make sense because of spelling or the wrong message is coveted.Tweeting is becoming the joke of the day in many circles.Even our new president is tweeting late at night and making comments in his tweets that have caused the news confusions.This may be a code of some kind like we used to use in our school notes.Sometimes we would use codes just in case we were caught by the teacher.My diary had codes in so my mother couldn't read it or anyone that try to read it.Codes have always been in messages in times of war and to keep things hidden from others understanding the true meanings. 

Blogging is a good way of understanding a person's character and purpose.It takes more of the whole brain and the words have to mean something.I read blogs more than texting or e-mails  I prefer a more in-depth study of the human behind the words.Blogs usually have a style of writing that fits the title of the blog but many people that blog think it is their private journal much like a diary.
A diary is not a blog.Journeying is good for the person but not for the public.The why me victim loves an audience and these types of "so called blogs" are depressing and can cause more harm than good to the writers and the readers.They belong in a category of their own and labeled "reader beware" sadness and sorrows in this material. 

Instagram is growing in popularity as a way to grow businesses.Mostly pictures and some use it to promote more than writing.But changes are coming that could make this one of the biggest of all the three. 

Facebook has turned into a communicator with its own mixture of all three venues.Selfies have become videos and pictures have begun to talk to us.Blogs are now being read for context and not just for a quick look and scroll down.The changes are faster than the eye can absorb sometimes.So we are becoming more selective with our groups and friends on our pages.Messages in the box on Facebook are turning into more than a texting but a true art of communication. The likes are not becoming a priority and comments are gaining in popularity now. The new buttons are fading away as we get more involved with our whole brain.Thinking instead of just the act of clicking is the new way to communicate for many people.

Hate speech blogs, tweets, messages and Instagrams are filling the empty spaces as fake news continues due to free speech in America.There are not control so discernment of the reader with freedoms comes responsibilities and accountability.I don't think our forefathers could have imaged the world we live in now. Will there be will be more cases in the courts of what is "free speech" or "hate speech" To determine the differences? Every test case will help to better define or censor all material.Should a person lose their job because of hate speech is in the courts right now.We are at a tipping point o our freedoms.The world is always changing sometimes for the better or the worse. As in the quote "it was best of times and the worse of times" this makes us stronger and more capability of handling anything that is brought to us. 

I love comments short or long. I READ THEM ALL,