Monday, August 15, 2016




Isn't that way we are when it comes to certain things we have a passion for don't care anything about.We can't get motivated unless it affects us personally. We have to go into defence mode to protect and defend others or join in the conversation to defend ourselves when it not even about anything personal, to begin with. Some people actually fight about the weather and the things they can't change more than the things they can do something about.The prayer,"God grant us the serenity to  accept the things we can not change and change the things we can and wisdom to know the difference and the courage to do the things we need to do"I remember the first time  I heard that prayer is was after my divorce in 1986 I was getting help for my depression in the hospital and they had group meetings we had to attend.Every group started with saying this prayer.So  I got the message very clear and memorised it and to this day  it still is in my mind when it comes to making choices in my everyday life. We all need peace mind and serenity and  wisdom and courage to do the things we need to do.But we do need to remember there are things we don't have to do.Keeping order in our lives and doing what we have to do is a real chore every day and there will be days when we don't get anything done. Can we tell ourselves it is alright and have to wisdom to stop worrying because we didn't do everything that we couldn't get done in one day.We know worry doesn't help us in fact we know causes stress.Worry is not a good state of mind and causes many health problems and we think we need to worry because it shows we care.In reality, it doesn't help at all because people don't like to see their loved ones worried about them. So worrying is not a sign of caring it may cause the person you worried about to become over protective of you.Begin concerned is a different way of thinking about our loved ones and it does show compassion in a mature way. Worry seems to make our adult children feel unsure of their choices because they don't want to make their parents worry about them. So the serenity prayer takes care of many situations in life.Honouring our parents and authority figures can become a battle because we would rather have conflicts instead of peace.We do choose who we respect and it usually someone who respects us.Why do we choose to have conflicts?We need to pick the battles that serve our purposes, don't we?  So we need to live with a purpose to have a need to stop defending and blaming and judgements against others.With a purposeful life of seeking peace and serenity and not taking everything said  personally is a start to wisdom beyond understanding.Loving our brothers and sisters as we love ourselves like the golden rule.We do need more open discussion and conversation about our life experiences so we can know we are not alone in this confused world. We share our feelings with others but not our knowledge of subjects that are taboo like religion, politics  and sex  and these three issues are the talk shows of the world and are used to stir up emotions, not knowledge.Usually, not always there is little wisdom gain but mostly arguments and disagreements make the show exciting and their ratings go higher.So the shows don't offer help to those that are in a situation and need real answers to solve their problems. So we are fighters not lovers of each other and the world keeps us in confusion. I am listeners of Christian radio talk shows. and it is getting hotter every day with issues about sex and a mixture of politics and a tiny bit about religion.It is about blaming and judgements and sins of others and not theirs.And the real thing is there is no peace or serenity just stress and worries and fears of the people who call into these shows.Why are we creating  fears or should  I say why are revealing our fears now?Certainly, Christian radio should bring some hope to the listeners they have an opportunity to be like Christ.We all have an opportunity to be like Christ or Christ-like in this world.They keep saying it is bad and it is getting worse every day and warning parents to take their children out of the public schools and sign petitions to stop the Target stores bathroom policies like that is going to help bring peace or safety to our children. Where is the message of the gospel and why have they put fear in their listeners? Because they think fear is motivation tool and they are right to some degree but fear can backfire on them and anyone knows fear has  a way of making people turn and run. We know about the fear of God that was preached to us when we were children and didn't understand it.We were not spiritual prepare to hear about fire and brimstone at that age.So talking about sin and hell can bring some to God but others need the love of God's mercy and grace to surrender their lives.What do you care about more than anything else in your life serenity or battles between  your brothers and sister?We have an opportunity with social media to bring togetherness and peace. to this dark world let's  take advantage of this fact and stop picking personal battles against each other like the world.


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