Monday, October 10, 2016



It is human and spiritual need to be loved and cared for through passion and kindness and honor shared between two souls of the same desires.For the needs of the one can become the needs of the two if the natural law of unconditional love is agreed upon. In most relationships such as the "trophy wife', the physical and sexual desires of one can hold a temporary bonding between the two engaged in this type of relationship. This is a temporary state by of the one partner to fulfillment the lustful desires the natural body needs and the spiritual morals or codes of conduct are not the purpose of this type of relationship. The purpose of the 'trophy wife" relationship is for the ego-driven career mind partner to use the other partner as a showcase to others  for normalcy in their own minds that they are part of the world views and can fit the model of a family person.Their intent is use,manipulate and tear down the morals and free will in the 'trophy wife" and control with fear that they are one person that can help them make good choices.They separate the wife from their family by  moving them away from contact and destroy their friendships. Their motive is to be the only person they need and create fears of being abandon without them.This a co-dependence to the extreme and the partner of the ego driven partner requires full obedience and worship to them as a slave master to a servant. This type of relationship was started even in the bible days and is still thriving in our days.The choosing of a partner is not hard for these  master they choose immature spiritual persons that have a non-active moral compass to alert them that they are falling into a  trap of slavery of their mind, body, and soul. The slave thinks they love the master and this will make the master love them in the same way.The love that comes from the ego is conditional and given only when a duty is performed for them can the love be given back.It is all about them not the need of the "trophy wife" all decisions must be done by the person in charge of the relationship.The trophy wife accepts the contract  knowing the facts in some cases but choose to ignore the big picture and becomes blinded by the manipulations of the affections given by occasion sex acts or material gifts.They have an emotional attachment to the houses or cars or clothes.These things keep them in a state of satisfaction and they are not willing to leave the master and prefer slavery to being free to make their own choices.The world of independence is scary and fearful and the protective shell of the master keeps reminding them that they are nothing without them.So the slave gives their life and soul to them thinking things will change in their favor.In many of the cases, the slave will try to plan an escape and fail and because of the children connections or the unprepared mentality to cope with their own decisions.At some point, they will be thrown out by the master if they loose control over them or they have lost their purpose top maintain a proper presentation of a "trophy wife" which is young and attentive to their every need.How many times do these ego-driven master seek wives in one lifetime?There is no clear number it depends on the wives that they can control and ones they can use to gain their position in their career or the lifestyle they require.They have no moral code and usually, will lie and say anything to gain control.They entrap you with pity and tell you that you are the only one that believes in them.They will not answer your phone calls and leave you in a state of wondering  why they didn't call when they promise to call.This is to make you  think they need you and this is control over your emotions.If they can get your attentions focus on them they have trapped you.

What can a "trophy wife' do to escape?The trap has been set and just like an animal it has to  be opened by the person who set the trap.The master of the trap will only set the captive free when the needs are not filled by the 'trophy wife" everything is an inside spiritual awareness within the body, mind, and soul of the 'trophy wife."Breaking to co-dependency is usually the first step. and this is using the free will to accept yourself as worthy.Your worthiness was only to the master and your emotions are to the needs of the master.By becoming aware of your own needs to be yourself a part of the master gives a strong signal to your keeper.The self-reliance to take care of yourself makes the master question your loyalty and this is the main theme to their ego-controlling factor. They want their slave to give loyalty to feed their ego with praise and adoration. When the slave turns inward and gives attentions to their own needs the trap can't hold them in bondage. Making yourself stronger in your own beliefs and opinions scares the master because they want  their needs and not yours to be the focus in the relationship.Rise up and take up your own bed and be all God intending you to be.Each creature has a right to be who God made in the image and likeness of the creator.

22 years being a 'trophy wife" and I got was this image of a statue!!

I cut the cord after 30 years of doctors,meds, and friends that listen to my emotional attachments. I am now a free will child of God.  


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