Tuesday, July 19, 2016


WHEN I WAS YOUNG WE PLAYED A GAME CALLED " I AM GOING TO GRANDMOTHER'S HOUSE AND I AM GOING TO TAKE --------"We would fill in the blank with an item we were going to take with us on our trip for a sleepover at her house or an extended visited.We played the game with at least three or four kids so we could have a lot of things to remember about what each kid would give one thing to take.We used the alphabet as our guide for our choices and each child had to say one ting starting with the letter "a" first and then we would go around to each child and add another thing corresponding to the next letter after "a".For example, the first child would say  I am going to grandmother's house and  I am going to take an apple.And then the next child would have to repeat what the child before them said and add the next thing which would be a "b' thing to take to grandmother's house on the trip.We would have to remember every item every child added or we were out of the game.This was a fun game and helped our memory .As  I think back on this game and many games we played as children from generation this morning my thoughts about how everyone chose a different item and how creativity each child was.Every time we played the game even with the same children they would come up with new items to take.They game grew as we got older to different places during the 60's  after the moon landing the game was "I am going to the moon and  "I am taking a trip to the moon and I am taking air was my first response."of course the items were all about spaceships and little green men we would encounter in outer space.We have all heard about the journey we are on as we chose to come to Earth and the things we brought with us haven't we? Oh, you don't know what you brought with you?Maybe you don't remember what you brought with you?Many people say," I came with nothing and I will leave with nothing"or the really interesting phrase "you can't take it with you just die and that's the end "or the saying,"nothing is for sure but death and taxes"the world has made the end of the journey just like the beginning of the journey and it sounds very boring doesn't it? I have always thought about trips and journeys as adventures and exciting destination to explore to the max.There is a reason for everything and certainly, the journey presents many opportunities to explore and gain wisdom through each experience. Each person has their own story or journey and all paths lead to the purpose of God in their lives.We all arrived at grandmother's house with all the stuff we needed and when we got to the moon we  planted our flag and left our footprints.How silly to think we didn't bring the right stuff on this journey to Earth.And how unreasonable to think we are unprepared to take on the journey we chose to take the spiritual journey we are on right now. We have been given all the tools and gifts before we were even formed in the womb.The problem is we don't remember playing the game in the consciousness. There is a trick we can use to help us remember and it comes from that game going to grandmother's house we need only to go through the alphabet one letter at a time and list the items you think you would take on a journey to Earth.Start with the letter a and pick something for your journey.Think about an item you will need for your journey and you can use it even after your journey on Earth.The one I pick is an appreciation for just being here and knowing  I will always be in the now moment where God is. Sounds easy but you have to go through the whole alphabet and remember each word you have chosen to represent your journey needs.I could make you a list but  I leave it up to you to use your own imagination and creativity. All roads lead to God and the free will to choose is yours and mine.We are going to get to where we started. If we think about a seed that is planted in the Earth every seed grows according to its design and the elements of the sun and the water and the changing seasons cause the plant to grow or die and sprout up again in the cycle of life.You are a seed and you are on a planet/planted so keep growing spiritually by the design of the Creator God.

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